
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

How to Bind a TreeView in Asp.Net?

In this example, I am showing you how to bind a treeview. Here, I am having a table in database where we store Modules and their sub-modules having parent-child like relationship.
Step-1: Add a TreeView to your .aspx Page.

    <asp:TreeView ID="ModuleTreeView" runat="server" ShowLines="true"
   PopulateNodesFromClient="false" BackColor="#99CCFF" style="width:100%"         
Step-2: Add a table named "Module" to your database which will store all modules and sub-modules.

Step-3: Insert some values into your table. 
All those modules which do not have any parent modules, their ParentModuleID is set to '0(Zero)'.
Step-4: Add these following code behind methods to the page.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("----Your Connection String----");
    SqlCommand com;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //----- Get all the module details from database -----//
    public DataTable GetModuleDetails()
        com = new SqlCommand("select ModuleID,ModuleName,ParentModuleID from Module", con);
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        return dt;
    //----Method to fill the treeview-----//
    public void FillTreeView()
        DataTable Modules = new DataTable();
        Modules = GetModuleDetails();
        PopulateTreeNode(Modules, null, 0);

    //----- Method to bind the treeview nodes as per the moduleID and ParentModuleID-----//
    private void PopulateTreeNode(DataTable ModuleList, TreeNode parent, int parentID)
        TreeNodeCollection baseNodes;
        TreeNode node;
        if (parent == null)
            baseNodes = ModuleTreeView.Nodes;
            baseNodes = parent.ChildNodes;
        foreach (DataRow dtRow in ModuleList.Rows)
            if (int.Parse(dtRow["ParentModuleID"].ToString()) == parentID)
                node = new TreeNode();
                node.Text = dtRow["ModuleName"].ToString();
                node.Value = dtRow["ModuleID"].ToString();
                node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Select;
                PopulateTreeNode(ModuleList, node, int.Parse(dtRow["ModuleID"].ToString()));

Now we are done and we can find the result by debugging the page.
The Final Output:


How to add a TreeView inside a DropDownList in Asp.New

Step-1: Add a TextBox to your Page.

         <asp:TextBox ID="Module" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Step-2: Add a Panel and place a treeview inside it.
<asp:Panel ID="pnl" runat="server">
<asp:TreeView ID="ModuleTreeView" runat="server" ShowLines="true" PopulateNodesFromClient="false" BackColor="#99CCFF" style="width:100%" ShowExpandCollapse="false">
Step-3: Add a Ajax DropdownExtender and set its TargetControlID to the TextBox.
<asp:DropDownExtender ID="DropDownExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="Module"
Step-4: Then write your own method to bind the treeview.
(I have described about binding a treeview in another blog-

The final output is:

How to add Row Serial Number to Gridview Rows in Asp.Net

     <asp:Label ID="LblSlNo" runat="server" Text="<%# Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>"></asp:Label>


How to create a Column Chart in Asp.Net?

Step-1: Create a table in your database.

Step-2: Insert your values into your table.
Step-3: Then add a chart control to your page.
<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server">
                <asp:Series Name="Series1">
                <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" Area3DStyle-Enable3D="true" >
Step-4: Then add this code behind method to your page and call this method whenever you want to load your chart.
protected void Load_Chart()
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("---Your Connection string---“);
        SqlCommand com;
        com = new SqlCommand("select ProjectTitle,ProgressPercentage from Project", con);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
        Chart1.DataSource = dt;
        Chart1.Series[0].XValueMember = "ProjectTitle";
        Chart1.Series[0].YValueMembers = "ProgressPercentage";
        Chart1.Series[0].ToolTip = "#VAL";
        Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
Step-5: The final output:
Output with showing tool tip:

How to create a Pie Chart in

Here, we'll discuss about creating a pie chart in
Step-1: Create a table in your database.

Step-2: Insert your values into your table.
Step-3: Then add a chart control to your page.

<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server">
                <asp:Series Name="Series1" ChartType="Pie">
                <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1">
Step-4: Then add this code behind method to your page and call this method whenever you want to load your chart.

protected void Load_Chart()
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("------- Your connection string--------“);
        SqlCommand com;
        com = new SqlCommand("select ProjectTitle,ProgressPercentage from Project", con);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
        Chart1.DataSource = dt;
        Chart1.Series[0].XValueMember = "ProjectTitle";
        Chart1.Series[0].YValueMembers = "ProgressPercentage";
        Chart1.Series[0].ToolTip = "Completed : " + "#PERCENT";//--Used to show tooltip
        Chart1.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;
Step-5: The final output:
Output with showing tool tip:


Monday, 30 July 2012

How to insert multiple record into SQL Server database in a single time without using looping?

My Gridview(Source Code):

<asp:GridView ID="grdEducation" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="gridview" ShowFooter="true">
                        Examination Passed
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtExamination" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtCollege" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                        Total Mark
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtTotalMark" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                        Marks Secured
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtMarksSecured" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <FooterTemplate><asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" /></FooterTemplate>

My Gridview(Design View):

Code Behind method to set the default view of the Gridview :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

    public void FillGrid()
        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        DataRow row;
        DataView view;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            row = table.NewRow();

        view = new DataView(table);
        grdEducation.DataSource = view;

My Table (Education_Details):

After that add a Type in your Database.
    CREATE TYPE Educations
         Education_Name varchar(50),
         College_Name varchar(50),
         Total_Mark decimal(18,2),
         Marks_Secured decimal(18,2)

Then create a stored procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertEducationDetails
@Education as Educations READONLY
/* "Educations" is the Type you have created earlier */
/* "@Education" is a type of "Educations" like we are using int,varchar etc*/

INSERT INTO Education_Details
SELECT Education_Name,College_Name,Total_Mark,Marks_Secured FROM @Education;


Now write this code behind method in your page and add this as a delegate for the button present inside the gridview.
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataTable dtEducation = new DataTable();
        DataColumn dcExam = new DataColumn("Exam_Name", typeof(string));
        DataColumn dcCollege = new DataColumn("College_Name", typeof(string));
        DataColumn dcTotalMark = new DataColumn("Total_Mark", typeof(decimal));
        DataColumn dcSecurdedMark = new DataColumn("Secured_Mark", typeof(decimal));
        foreach (GridViewRow gr in grdEducation.Rows)
            TextBox txtExamination = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtExamination");
            TextBox txtCollege = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtCollege");
            TextBox txtTotalMark = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtTotalMark");
            TextBox txtMarksSecured = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtMarksSecured");
            DataRow drNew = dtEducation.NewRow();
            drNew["Exam_Name"] = txtExamination.Text;
            drNew["College_Name"] = txtCollege.Text;
            drNew["Total_Mark"] = Decimal.Parse(txtTotalMark.Text);
            drNew["Secured_Mark"] = Decimal.Parse(txtMarksSecured.Text);
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("---Your Connection String---");
        SqlCommand insertEducations = new SqlCommand("InsertEducationDetails", con);
        insertEducations.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        insertEducations.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Education", dtEducation);

After that i entered values to be entered by debugging the page.
After clicking the save button, the values will be inserted to the database.


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